Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Little Princess is Here!!!

Hi everybody!
Today, I am on cloud 9.  I watched my baby girl come into this world last night and I have forever been changed.  My wife was unbelievable our kids were so supportive.  When I look back on the IVF Journey we began I am convinced that this is not just for us.  There are families that will realize the same dream.  Thanks for traveling with me and keep your journey in prayer.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The time has come and gone!!

Hi everybody!!
So.......our due date "was" 11/8.  Still no baby!  The good news?.....she's doing great.  Mom (and Dad) are ready to issue the eviction.  I won't let the cat out of the bag about dates, but we won't be pregnant next week.  I'm sitting here mesmerized watching her move around in my wife's stomach.  God is truly amazing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We are so ready!!

Hi everybody!!  We are at the post-pregnancy-is-no-longer-fun stage.  My wife is ready to evict Makayla and I certainly can't blame her.  We have one of those doctors that is completely uncooperative when attempting to circumvent the natural process and get some labor started going here.  As a man and a husband I will do my part, but it feels a bit more self serving than it should.  :-)

Anyway I am still in awe of my wife's strength, sense of humor, and willingness to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes.  I love you baby!!

Mike Moore

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

On the Cusp!!

Hello everyone!  I've been away for a while.  I had a lot to do.  The nursery is complete and we are awaiting the arrival of our baby girl, Makayla.  If you can imagine I'm already over the moon with excitement, but just as nervous.  Daddy wants to take care of everything and protect everyone.  I would love my wife to only have to push once, but rumor has it that is highly unlikely.  This has been a tremendous journey so far and I can't wait to see my baby girl.  I will catch up more frequently......PROMISE!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Graduation Day!!!!

So, we were officially released from our RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist).  Very happy.  We had our final ultrasound and got to see our baby's head, arm-buds, and leg-buds.  "Peanut" (new nickname) even moved for the camera.  Maybe it was my imagination but the baby was either dancing, or boxing.  Not sure.  We have learned quite a few lessons over the last few months:

1.  Never be shy about asking questions.
2.  Be respectful, but never let medical staffers bully you.
3.  Build a relationship with the receptionist at the doctor's office; you never know when you will need to cash in some IOUs.
4.  Prayer is the most powerful comforter you have.
5.  Check message boards "occasionally" for validation, but do not solely rely on them for all of your information.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dreams do come true....

Hi everybody.  What a week!  Monday we saw our son/daughter's heart beating (like crazy) for the first time in the ultrasound.  It was incredible.  I held my breath while the doctor searched for our baby and .............there our baby was.  INCREDIBLE!!!  I keep saying he/she because we don't know, and I don't want to prematurely say he and be wrong  :-).  Honestly, healthy is ALL we pray for.  What an incredible journey!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

So ready to shop.....

Such an interesting place right now.  Part of my brain is focused on the next hurdle to make sure the baby(ies) are healthy, the other part of my brain wants to go to every Babies R US and infant furniture store I can find.  I want to tell everyone at the top of my lungs and call everyone I know.  I am definitely taking out a full page add after the first trimester.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

We're pregnant......!

I had to get permission from the Queen to put this on the blog.  I must tell you that this has been one of the most fantastic, nerve wracking, emotion stirring, relationship strengthening thing we have EVER been through.  Technically we are still going through it as the doctor has to confirm pregnancy with (3) separate tests before they release you to your regular doctor, but I am on cloud nine right now.  I am so proud of my wife I could bust!  I don't have much to add in term of advice or insight.......just bubbling over.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

One more week before pregnancy test....

So far so good.  We haven't cheated and checked on our own.  I considered it, but obviously my wife would have known.  We're doing pretty well.  We keep talking about our plans when we find out we are pregnant.  We have to trust God and speak it into existence.  More soon.

Monday, February 21, 2011

We are PUPO!!

So, first let me apologize for keeping many of you on the edge of your seats.  On Saturday, Feb. 19th the transfer went well.  Now the two week wait (2ww) begins.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cycle 1 Egg Retrieval Day

Everything was textbook today.  We had 11 eggs (very mature according to the Senior Embryologist).  The procedure only lasted 45 minutes and then I went to the little room to do my part.  Far less dramatic.  One of the best feelings of the day was giving our IVF nurse a 300UI Follistim vial to give to someone in need.  Definitely have to pay it forward.

LESSON:  Just because one doctor tells you that you have a low ovarian reserve, doesn't make it a fact or the end of the road.

Next hurdle:  Saturday or Monday transfer.  God is good!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cycle 1 Day 14

Big Day!  We triggered yesterday (HCG + Lupron) and Wifey had a textbook response.  Very proud of her.  Anyway, numbers looked real good this morning and we've gotten the GREEN LIGHT for egg retrieval on Wednesday.  On the outside I'm as cool as the other side of the pillow.  On the inside, I feel like I'm a week out from Christmas.  Can't stand still........GO GO GO!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cycle 1 Day 13

Great News!  My wife's body is responding like a textbook patient.  We go tomorrow to the doctor for a blood test and ultrasound (for the 5th or 6th time) and my instinct tells me that we will then be scheduled for the retrieval on Wednesday.  She is feeling real uncomfortable.  Can't blame her.  Her body is producing twenty times the number follicles and they need somewhere to grow.  She has zero complaints though.  What a strong lady.  We can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel for the egg growing phase.  Great job baby!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cycle 1 Day 10

Hi everyone.  Been a few days.  Things are going great.  We endured a few Stim increases, but my wife has responded beautifully.  We may be a few days away from the trigger shot.  On the inside I am bubbling over because we seem so close.  It's amazing how useful the internet has been during research and questions we had in the middle of the night.  I promise to write more tomorrow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Cycle 1 Day #7

One of the things that you forget once the stim cycle (stimulation for Follistim/Gonal-F) begins is that these doctors are starting you at a best guess dosage.  In my mind I thought that the amount of Follostim and Microdose Ovidrel would drop once the egg growth accelerated.  I was not prepared for dosage increase, although more research would have shown me that this happens more often than not.

Today during the ultrasound we saw 10 follicles doing what follicles are suppose to do.  Good stuff.  I am so proud of my wife's strength and her positivity.  Still going strong folks. More later.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cycle 1 Day#2/3

Things are much smoother.  We've got our routine.  We have a place in the house and a time scheduled for the injections and the pills we both need to take.  Yes, I said both.  The partner, that would be me, needs to take an antibiotic to make sure that on retrieval day I am free from any "microbial insurgents".  Good day......Time to take Wifey on a date.

NOTE:  Make sure you spend some time out of the house.  The walls tend to close in as you wait on different phases of the process.  Have a good weekend.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cycle 1 Day 2

A nurse I am not.  We started injections last night.  I've got some work to do.  My wife was a real soldier......I......was Nurse Crachet.  Tonight I plan to do a much better job.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day: 1st Cycle, Day #1

I have to be honest.  I completely shutdown the research side of my brain in the last week or so.  I found that the more I read, the more my brain calculated an infinite number of scenarios; I found myself unable to focus on relaxing and preparing my family for the month ahead.  My wife is incredible and I am completely in awe of her calm and her strength.

I think we're going to be at the door when they open tomorrow.  We are very ready for this and in a very good place.  Please wish us the best and I promise to keep you posted with commentary and observations each step of the way.  Remember, no matter what the forums, articles, and blogs say, this is your's and your partner's journey unlike any other.  You are uniquely you and, in that sense, have your very own individual odds of success.  Don't let another couple's less-than-positive experience impact yours.  Pray, love, and smile when you can; it does wonders for the soul.

Be Blessed!

Monday, January 24, 2011

It's begun

Hello everyone.  My wife started taking dexamethasone yesterday.  It is a steroid  that is suppose to enhance egg quality.  She is such an inspiration to me because no matter what, she is up and ready for the next thing.  She is fearless.

The effects are quite interesting.  Her hay fever is on overdrive (there's some evidence that there is a slight drop in the immune system)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Looking Forward

My wife had acupuncture today.   Triangle Acupuncture Clinic was very involved in understanding our IVF cycle and wanted to make sure that the acupuncture treatments corresponded with the different stages of the IVF cycle.  (They have a program specifically designed for IVF).

We start the steroid on Saturday and from what we can tell on other blogs, many doctors are now prescribing the low dose steroid to improve egg quality and reduce the chances of rejection after implantation.

We pick up our medication this weekend and prepare to start the regimen next week.  Give us your prayers.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The internet can be a dangerous place...

So, my wife and I have been all over the internet looking up low AMH, supplements, steroids, and world peace...  Clearly everyone has their own protocol, but it is impossible not to notice similarities and ask questions.  It amazes me how much people ask about your treatment plan once they see a similarity in numbers or circumstances.  It appears to be a "hunger" for information OR may just a desire for camaraderie.  Every fertility center is different, but the information on treatment options should be relatively consistent.   However, I will say that the importance of staying on top of your medical team is paramount.  If you read something on this, or any other, blog, ask questions.  Don't be afraid or embarrassed.  Feel empowered.  It's your wife (partner), and your money!!!!  Expect answers, but be polite.  :-)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Low AMH? Okay, now what?

Good morning folks.  Yesterday my wife and I got a call from the IVF nurse who had an update on some of our lab work.  She told me my sperm numbers were OK, but they were still going to recommend ICSI.  Well, okay.  More money, but a slight increase in the "successful pregnancy probability" (SPP).  The more I read the more I question the term "OK".  I may not be providing optimal swimmers, but ICSI levels the playing field.  Let's keep it moving shall we?

Then she told us that my wife's numbers looked good but her AMH (just in case someone reading didn't already know this), 0.8, was a little low and that the doctor wanted to treat her with a low dose of steroids prior to starting the cycle.  Hmmmmm.  My wife and I pulled back into our research mode and started reading.  We didn't see alot of people out there being prescribed steroids for lower AMH, but we did see quite a few women with much lower AMH getting pregnant.

So, we are going forward as planned with our faith strong and our laptops ready.  We like and trust our doctor, but we are obligated to not accept everything without team discussion and consideration.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Accupuncture anyone?

My wife and I decided to add acupuncture to our regimen.  I experienced it once before when I hurt my back, but I never thought I would consider it to improve sperm motility, volume, etc.

You ever notice that the doctors/nurses are constantly "inquiring" about the woman's health:  (egg quality, sexual history, ovarian reserve, etc.), but all they ever ask men is whether their sperm is functioning.  I sat by and watched my wife bear her entire history and endure very probing questions, and all they wanted from me was a sample.

So, from now on what my wife does, I should do (well do something similar at least).  For instance, I can't get an ultrasound, but I can certainly do acupuncture when she does.  Now that she's off caffeine, I'm off caffeine.  She can't drink alcohol.....I can't drink alcohol (in front of her... :-) )  Just kidding.  It's important that she not be the only one sacrificing and looking for every edge and opportunity to improve our chances of having a successful and healthy pregnancy and beautiful baby. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day of Reflection

Started the day out with early service at Church.  Strong message:
"...think like a soldier, act like an athlete and claim your victory" (Rev. Charles Brooks)

What struck me today was that there isn't enough love, empathy, and forgiveness in the world.  The big thing aren't really big at all and there is so much joy is the basic things of life.  Okay, preaching is over.  :-)

I also have been tugging with my excitement and imagination.  I can see my wife pregnant, picking out stuff for the baby's room, figuring out where everybody sits in the car.  Everything practical in me says, whoa, not so fast big fella, but everything that gives me passion says, "Dream away!!!! and don't stop".  

Friday, January 7, 2011

Saline Ultrasound Day

Today my wife and I went to the doctor for the Saline ultrasound.  Hmmm...sounds innocent enough right?  I had no idea that it would cause my wife so much pain.  Well, cramps for her......PAIN for me!!!!  Everything went ok.  First the doctor used the speculum to "open the door" and then he inserted a catheter and added fluid to watch her uterus expand (probably not the most scientific description).  The discomfort was obvious, but the Doc kept the mood light.  Dr. Mulvaney is truly the right doctor for us.

Then, as he put it, "the good news is the catheter is coming out...the bad news is that the ultrasound probe is going in"....Youch!!  If my wife could have sunk her nails in my arm I bet she would have.  Anyway he looked around and gave my wife's "field of play" an A+.  I was very proud of her.  She has been cramping ever since, but we've been told that this would happen and she is really taking it in stride.  Good day!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Hello everyone.  This is my first blog and I'm sure I'm doing something incorrectly, but I couldn't wait another day to start.  My wife and I have been trying to have a baby for 3 years.  Like most people we began the conventional way, then IUI, and now we're getting ready to start our first cycle of IVF.

As I was researching, I was surprised to find very few blogs, articles, or posts written from a man's perspective.  While it's obvious the women do the "Heavy Lifting" on this mission, I was in search of other men's experiences in supporting their significant others through this journey.  I find myself feeling a bit inadequate each time I review the plan for injections, ultrasounds, blood tests, etc....and I think about my role.  My desire is to provide a view of my experiences for anyone interested.

Ultimately, it would be great to share stories, ideas, comforting words, and anything else that might be of use.

Anyway, don't want to bore you yet.  Just thought I would create for others what I was in search of for myself.