Sunday, September 7, 2014

There is no limit to His Greatness!!! to avoid leaving anyone in suspense.....we made it to day 5 with a BLASTOCYST!!!

Why the excitement?
1.  Last IVF cycle the doc had us thinking we have bad egg quality and bad performing sperm.  He was slightly optimistic on the sperm, but much less optimistic on my wife's egg quality.
2.  The Stim cycle went without a hitch and we went into ICSI with 7 eggs after retrieval.  The last we had heard, 4 eggs were fertilized.  Of the 4, one was successfully frozen on day #5.  The remaining 3 showed very little to no progress on day #6.

Since our last successful cycle in 2011, our clinic has changed its protocol and now freezes embryos at day #5.  Took quite a while for us to get our minds wrapped around the concept of "suspending" cell development and restarting it 30-60 days later.  Many of you may have been aware of this one; I was not.  After my wife's next cycle, our embryo will be tranferred "back home" and we will patiently wait for God's grace to continue.