Friday, January 7, 2011

Saline Ultrasound Day

Today my wife and I went to the doctor for the Saline ultrasound.  Hmmm...sounds innocent enough right?  I had no idea that it would cause my wife so much pain.  Well, cramps for her......PAIN for me!!!!  Everything went ok.  First the doctor used the speculum to "open the door" and then he inserted a catheter and added fluid to watch her uterus expand (probably not the most scientific description).  The discomfort was obvious, but the Doc kept the mood light.  Dr. Mulvaney is truly the right doctor for us.

Then, as he put it, "the good news is the catheter is coming out...the bad news is that the ultrasound probe is going in"....Youch!!  If my wife could have sunk her nails in my arm I bet she would have.  Anyway he looked around and gave my wife's "field of play" an A+.  I was very proud of her.  She has been cramping ever since, but we've been told that this would happen and she is really taking it in stride.  Good day!!!


  1. Hey man, just wanted to say bravo on the blog ... I will be following closely, my significant other and I are going to be doing our first round of IVF soon ... I feel you on the sense of overwhelmingness! Sounds like you're doing everything right. Carry on!

  2. Hey, thanks Ken. I promise to keep you posted and provide as much detail as possible. My wife has given me the green light. Be well.
