Monday, September 9, 2013

Day #2 of Injections....

Hi everyone....
So we received our protocol.
For the first 10 days (stim cycle)

  1. Gonal-F 300UI daily
  2. Menopur 300UI daily
  3. aspirin  and prenatal vita
Blood test tomorrow to see how we are progressing.  Mixing the Gonal F and the Menopur has been a serious chemistry experiment.  I'm glad I paid attention in Chem lab.

With respect to medication let me say this.  Get real intimate with the pharmacy component of your health insurance.  I promise I know the entire staff at Escripts and Freedom Fertility pharmacy.  There are ALWAYS alternatives to the way meds are ordered and the way the prescriptions are filled.  Look for a "friend" and make them your primary contact.  Also 

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