Saturday, September 28, 2013

Great Start....but cycle was cancelled.

Hi everyone!

Although we started with a bang with very good e2 numbers, great lining, and wonderful response to the stim meds, things slowed to a crawl on day #7 after we took Ganirelix.  If you are not aware of the significance, ganirelix is started to prevent a woman from ovulating while the follicles continue to grow and the eggs continue to mature.  The e2 number stalled at ~800.  Our IVF staff (I call it that because they apparently make "med tuning" decisions as a committee) increased the Gonal-F to 450 units but kept the Menopur at 350.  The following day the e2 number made it to the 900s but not significant enough to continue the cycle.

Now if you ask me, I believe my wife began ovulating on day #6 and they may have missed the opportunity to catch the eggs before they began to drop.  In other words they may have started the Ganirelix a day too late.  Clearly I'm not a doctor, but you can set your watch to my wife's body.  In our previous cycle we were stimming excellently and began the ganirelix on day #6.  My research supports the fact that ganirelix introduced into too early or too late can cause a problem similar to what we experienced.  We'll never know for sure.

Were we disappointed?...YES!  Did we blame them among ourselves?...YES! 

However, a funny thing happened on the way to the opera.....My wife and I grew even closer and became more determined to end things on our terms.  What did we do?....we had sex like rabbits just in case we could right the ship and get pregnant on our own.  We were unsuccessful but it was awesome trying and even better for our morale.  I really love this woman!!!

We're trying again in the beginning of the year and we WILL BE SUCCESSFUL.  Catch you later.

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